You are here: Home Our Brands Warmup Under Floor Heating Warmup System Underfloor Heating Warm Up Underfloor Heating Sizes 11.5-25.0M² Warm Up Underfloor Heating Sizes 11.5-25.0M² WU Select Area 11.5 - 12.9 M² 13.0 - 14.4 M² 14.5 - 15.9 M² 16.0 - 17.4 M² 17.5 - 18.9 M² 19.0 - 20.4 M² 20.5 - 21.9 M² 22.0 - 25.0 M² Availability: Availability Special Order – Delivery Date TBC Total price: £503.22 List price £670.96 Qty Add to basket Add to My Bathroom Product Description Area's are shown in M² Price does not include Thermostat, please order separately For area's between 11.5 - 25.0 M²